Sylvie Anne pratique le yoga depuis l’âge de 16 ans. En 2011, elle a vécu pendant six mois à San Francisco dans une immersion complète en philosophie du yoga, yoga hatha, yoga vinyasa et yoga réstauratif. Depuis, elle continue à étudier les origines du yoga hatha, le sanskrit le tantra et l’aurveda avec, entre autre, ses mentors Dr. Claudia Welch et Rod Stryker. Passionné par une approche multi-disciplinaire pour guérir, Sylvie Anne a poursuivi et à gradué en 2016 d'une maitrise en counselling à l'université Acadia. Elle est maintenant certifié comme psychothérapeute avec l'Association Canadienne de Counseling et Psychothérapie. Venez à un cours avec Sylvie Anne pour apprendre quelque chose de nouveau, de circuler de façon dynamique et de trouver le calme avec un accent sur l'alignement et la respiration. Venez à une session thérapeutique pour vous sentir écouté, pour travailler de façon collaborative et pour vous aligner avec votre meilleure vie!
Sylvie Anne has been a happy yoga practitioner since the age of 16. In 2011, she spent six months in San Francisco studying yoga philosophy, hatha, vinyasa and restorative yoga. She has since spent time studying hatha yoga, sanskrit, tantra and aurveda with a few mentors including Dr. Claudia Welch and Rod Stryker. Passionate about a multi-faceted approach to healing, in 2016, Sylvie Anne graduated from Acadia University's Masters in Counselling and is now a certified counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. Come to a yoga class with Sylvie Anne expecting to learn something new, to flow dynamically and to find stillness with a focus on alignment and breath. Come to a counselling session to feel heard, to work collaboratively and to align with your greatest life!
Sylvie Anne has been a happy yoga practitioner since the age of 16. In 2011, she spent six months in San Francisco studying yoga philosophy, hatha, vinyasa and restorative yoga. She has since spent time studying hatha yoga, sanskrit, tantra and aurveda with a few mentors including Dr. Claudia Welch and Rod Stryker. Passionate about a multi-faceted approach to healing, in 2016, Sylvie Anne graduated from Acadia University's Masters in Counselling and is now a certified counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. Come to a yoga class with Sylvie Anne expecting to learn something new, to flow dynamically and to find stillness with a focus on alignment and breath. Come to a counselling session to feel heard, to work collaboratively and to align with your greatest life!